Archive for February 2017
Planning Ahead
Adam mentioned anticipating a demand on steaks. Because we dry age our beef at least 14 days before cutting, that means we had to harvest an additional animal two weeks ago to prepare. But how about predicting demand 3 years out? That’s what farmers need to do. When Adam and I started thinking about this…
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Our passion is for pasture raised meats. If you’ve been to the meat counter, you’ve probably heard Todd, Adam, or I talking about grassfed beef or heritage pork roaming in the woods. But have you ever thought of our chickens? Our meat chickens – referred to as broilers – are raised only in the summer…
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We’ve figured out we have some great cooks as customers. And, we are anticipating lots of requests for steaks for Valentine’s weekend. So of course, we made extra demi-glace to put on the shelves and brought in an extra steer to help “meat” the demand. Trevor always harks on the economics of farming, and he…
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Two weeks ago I explained a little about the chuck and how I am seaming it out. Since then, we’ve had a lot of questions about what are the different cuts and how to prepare them. The chuck is the front shoulder of the steer. It is complex with a lot of muscles, some worked…
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